Sunday, May 6, 2012


Here are a few highlights from the week: Pinata making. Blake was a big help with that. Camping in the family room, Blake cut Tyler's hair, Blake split his chin open, Lacey poured out 1/2 a bottle of dish washing soap on the kitchen floor, I tried to unclog my bathroom drain, didn't work, so I attempted to take apart the pipes, gross water sprayed me and the entire bathroom, Lacey played in the fireplace ashes twice. But the best part was CINCO DE MAYO! I don't know why but I love Cinco de Mayo. Probably because it is an excuse to make lots of Mexican food. Yummy. This year we went up to Rexburg where Nicole, Brad, Noelle and Nellie and their spouses are. It was fun to visit and party with them. 
Camping indoors

Playing in the ashes

Tyler trying to break the pinata. I know it looks like a Halloween pinata, but it is actually animal print cupcake liners.  There wasn't much of a selection at the store. 

My nasty clogged sink. FYI- use vinegar and backing soda to unclog your pipes. Takes about thirty min., but if they are really bad could take a few hours. don't get impatient and take out the pipes!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Albrecht update

I am now officially 27 years old... yuck ;). Spring is always crazy around around our house. We just finished AIMS testing at school and (hopefully) this is my last year EVER proctoring!! Our 7 year anniversary is on Monday and we will be going to Disneyland soon to celebrate!! I have 20 school days left!!! I'm not looking forward to emptying out my classroom, but I am looking forward to summer. My friend at work will be going out of town for June/July and I will be watching her pool so that is where I plan to spend my days. Let me know if any of you ever want to join (AZ people).

Dal is in tumbling, swim lessons, and soccer right now. He will continue swim and tumbling in the summer and will probably do soccer or t-ball in the fall. I figure I need to keep him involved since he's an only child haha. He LOVES interacting with other kids and plays a lot with his little ward friends.

Aaron's job is still going really well. We were planning on moving into a rental in July but now we are not sure. We might be renting a friend's parents house while they are on a mission (which won't be until late fall) so our plans are kind of up in the air right now. I'll keep you posted once we figure it out ourselves.

I think that's about it, check my blog for pictures since those are the only ones I've taken lately and I'm too lazy to post them here too :).

Friday, April 13, 2012

Backus update

Just a quick update, we have moved to Utah! I'm excited to be close to Rachael and Stacey, we need to get together ladies. Matt got a job with a tax firm called Ryan and this is his second week of work. Next week he goes to Dallas. I'm not looking forward to it, but I'm glad it's just a one week and not four! Lindsay you are amazing. The kids have been keeping busy, some of this weeks activities include turning the kitchen floor into a lake, soaking each other with hand sanitizer, locking their little sister in a room that we do not have a key for, walking on the rain gutters, and being best frienemies.. :) Hope everyone is doing well.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Frost Update

Here is a very quick update of what we have been up to the last month.  Lets see, Meili is now 2 months old and sleeps through the night (YEAH!) and smiles all the time.  Brian's dad and sister came for a short visit in March.  We had fun showing them around Little Rock for a couple of days.  We went to Branson MO for part of Spring Break.  While we were there we went to Silver Dollar City theme Park for two days and had a great time there together.  We also went on Ride the Ducks.  That was fun as well.  We have celebrated Easter with friends and by doing a egg hunt with lots of candy.  I am currently a lone for 4 weeks (except for Fridays and Saturdays) while Brian is on a business trip in San Francisco.  I will be going to Ohio next week to visit my sister Ralae for a week. Excited to see her and spend time with her kids.  Um, I think that is about it.  We are all doing well and have adjusted well to Meili.  Being a family of five is definitely challenging but also very enjoyable and comical all at the same time.  I feel like I laugh a lot, especially when all three girls decided to have a melt down in the middle of the store.  What else can you do but smile and laugh especially to all those that give you those glaring stares.  I love my three girls and love how the love each other.  Hope you are all well.  Happy Easter! ( a day late)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Riding Update

Hello all! Time for an update.

Max's cough continues and thankfully, the breathing treatments and steroids did nothing. At least now we know it isn't asthma. Cooper and Max went to the ENT last week and he recommended surgery for both...tubes for Max and tonsils and adenoids removed for Cooper. We have scheduled Max's surgery, but are hesitant to schedule Cooper's. This is going to sound horrible, but Cooper's surgery will cost us approximately $9,000 out of pocket and we can't afford that, especially right now! Am I a horrible mother for postponing his surgery?

Cody is doing very well. He finishes his first set of classes tomorrow night and are fairly confident that he got A's in both classes. 6 credit hours down, 30 more to go! :)

We finished the family room addition and can now use it! It is so nice to be construction-free for the first time in six months (since we bought the house). I have a lot of caulking and painting to do on the baseboard, trim, molding and bead board, but for right now I am just letting myself enjoy the family room.


I did the Ragnar Relay two weeks ago. I had done it before a few years back, but being the Team Captain this time was stressful! Next time, I'll let someone else take that responsibility. I ended up running just over 20 miles total (leg 1 - 6.7 miles, leg 2 - 6.8 miles, leg 3 - 6.9 miles) because one of my friends had a muscle strain and couldn't finish her last two legs. I split one of her legs with another runner which added a couple miles. It's a good thing the Ragnar is more of a competition against yourself. At the finish line, Massage Envy was giving free chair massages and stretching, so I took advantage of that one!

Sydney (Cody's sister) asked us to come to California to visit them for Spring Break the day after Cody's accident. I'm so glad we took her up on that offer. On Friday, I will be dropping the boys off at my parents house and Cody and I will head to San Diego until Monday night. We will celebrate our 7 year anniversary on Saturday, March 10th. Crazy that it has been seven years! 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Meili 2 weeks old

Meili is now two weeks old almost three and doing really well.  We had a follow up appointment with a cardiologist about her heart murmur and it has resolved on it own.  We felt very blessed for this since the doctor said the type of heart murmur Meili had usually takes 6 months to correct itself.  We know Heavenly Father heard our prayers.  Bekah and Elena still find her to be the greatest thing there is right now.  They can be a little suffocating.  But I rather them love her then want nothing to do with her.  I am doing well and feel like I am healing nicely.  I decided to formula feed Meili since nursing wasn't the most comfortable with the other two and I have to say it is nice getting 3-4 hours of straight sleep at night rather then 1-2 hours with nursing.  Just thought I update ya'll while I had a moment. Now it is time for a nap :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Riding's

Thank you Lindsay for setting this up! I know it is not an easy thing to manage. 

Here are some updates:
after (still need grass and to remove extra cement)

Cody is doing very, very well. He has been in hand therapy for two weeks now and is encouraged by the progress he is making, especially with the thumb. The swelling and sensitivity both continue to decrease. Despite counsel from others to delay his Master's program, Cody decided to continue as planned. Because of his 'disability', NAU pays for a note-taker in each of his classes as well as accommodations on tests. This has been a real blessing as Cody was a horrible note-taker anyway. :) We discovered at Cody's first appt with the hand surgeon that the second surgery would only be needed if the transplant from his pointer finger didn't produce the desired result: feeling. Unfortunately, the area of the skin that was laid over the top of his thumb isn't. We are gearing ourselves up for another surgery in the hopes that it will not be needed. His next appt with the hand surgeon is Tuesday morning, so we are crossing our fingers (no pun intended).

The family room addition on the house is progressing. Thanks to our friends and family in the ward, we have been able to continue the progress despite the set back of Cody's accident. This week will be sanding of drywall, painting, the last city inspection and other miscellaneous items. 

Max and Cooper both go to the ENT on the 28th. Max for ears and Cooper for tonsils. We'll see what the specialist says, but our Pediatrician was recommending tubes and a tonsillectomy. Hopefully we can plan both procedures on the same day. Max also started on breathing treatments to hopefully help his cough which he has had since Thanksgiving. We are hopeful they will work since he coughs so hard that he throws up at least twice a day. The above picture of the boys was taken at Costco after we were locked out of the car. I was getting Max out of his car seat and he began to cough, then throw up. I dropped the keys in his car seat and held him over the bushes (poor bushes). Cooper jumped out of the car to help and shut the door. Oops!

I am gearing up for the Ragnar relay in less than two weeks and doing very well.